Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I saw this posted today and thought it was really great:

I have been so blessed over the last two months by so many people in my life. My family, my church family and friends, my coworkers and friends. Sometimes the everyday busy-ness and routines pile up and we forget to appreciate each other. After reading this and being so blown away by the gracious support I have received I am going to make an effort to tell people how much I appreciate them.....more often!

If you are reading this then you are probably included in the group who has been blessing me.  I just want to say from the bottom of my heart with all sincerity THANK YOU so much for your kind words, prayers, blessings, and thoughtful gifts. I will cherish all of these things for many seasons to come :)

On an update note.....The new hire sonographer started working this week so I am training her.  Seems weird to call it training because she has more experience doing ultrasounds than I do, but anyways....she used to be a traveler. So she has been helping me learn a little more about how this works.  With her advice I have applied with a couple other travel companies in an effort to gain more exposure to jobs available. So again begins the process of resume submission, reference checks and skill checklists. But it's all for the greater move.  So far I've been applying in Washington (state), Oregon, Virginia, Arizona, Massachusetts and North Carolina. The Northwest and East coast are on my "top" choices list. So cross your fingers and say your prayers for me :) Hopefully next time I write I will know where I'm headed, or maybe I'll already be there!  Blessings    

Monday, April 15, 2013

Beginning The Journey

Many of you know how this all unfolded, but I feel that it's worth sharing for those who don't. This is the story of my decision to begin this journey that lies ahead....

I won't go back too far, but as you know I began traveling internationally a couple of years ago. Of course when I started it seemed like just something to do to me, but we all know God has bigger plans. After my first trip I was hooked. Ever since then I have had the deep down desire to travel.  Anywhere, anytime just travel. It's been difficult at times to settle the desire, but life has responsibilities and so I had to adjust. The last few months in particular have been somewhat trying on me. It seemed as though every aspect of life was bogging me down and I was in this rut of frustration and just overwhelmed. The straw that broke the camel's back, as they say, was getting sick just after Christmas. That just threw me into a whirlwind of grumpiness and complacency.

After much consideration, prayer and conversation I felt that it was time to let go of some things that I felt were affecting my ability to move forward. In this time I felt a deep urgency to clean out my house. Literally to go through every room and "purge". As I thought about this and let it sink in I began to realize that God was wanting me to not only physically purge but also spiritually. Move forward, let go of the past and allow change to come. On top of that I heard the word "disconnect". I really felt that I needed to pull back some and allow God to speak to me so I could become aligned with what He was wanting to do in my life. While I had desires of things that I wanted in my life, I was finding it hard to say I knew what my calling was, or what God was leading me to. I mean for a while I've been on the fence with the whole travel thing.  Do I want to be a missionary? I don't think I'm being called to be a missionary, am I? If I want to travel more I need to have financial security, how do I do that? Am I supposed to leave my career? Or do I stay in my career and make that my mission in life? Lot's of questions. But it's time to purge and move forward I began to relinquish the questions and listen. Very soon after that I started looking into travel ultrasound jobs (again). I say again because it's something I've inquired about a few times in the past thinking oh how fun that would be. But I was always tripped up with something like what do I do with my house? my dogs?  This time around was different though. To skip over some details I was able to speak with my recruiter from the new job and he explained how this whole travel thing worked.  It sounded great! 13 week assignments all over the US and as much time off in-between as I wanted!!  I could travel the US and travel internationally!?!  Wow! What about my house? Dogs? Well, as it would turn out I have a friend who has some needs that I could help with and in return she can help me by moving into my house and becoming my roommate! My biggest hurdle was removed right before my eyes. One by one all obstacles that had previously stood in my way were gone.  I had a peace deep in my soul and knew this must be God's hand moving in all these things to come together in such a way. So I took the leap of faith and trusted that this was God's calling on my life right now.

One week after speaking with the recruiter from the new job, the decision was made and I turned in my notice at work! I am becoming a traveler! On to bigger and better things!! Since I made that decision, many things have come my way that have caused stress and anxiety. But I'm learning more and more how to hear God in it all, which really excites me because I feel like that is a struggle for me.  And every time something has come up, He has resolved it for me. It's encouraging to know that indeed when you are seeking and following His will He does make a way. I'm now 2 weeks away from my last day at work and I just keep thinking "this is really happening!!!" It's scary and exciting all at the same time. I still don't have my first assignment yet so I don't know when exactly and where I'm going, but I'm ready.

I know leaving my family will be hard. I've not focused on that too much.  I just know that if I stay because it's easy and comfortable I will be staying for the wrong reasons. I must lay this down for God to redeem also, and I trust that He will. I've had some friends share their thoughts on these decisions and it excites me even more for what lies ahead. I hope that you all will keep me in your prayers. Where God moves attacks come also. But I'm prepared and I'm trusting!!

Well here we are! I'll post again when I have information to share about where I'll be heading out to. Thank you in advance for all your love and support for what is to come :)

Wow my first blog entry.  Feels a little strange I must say. I've thought about this blog for a few weeks now and though I'm still a bit hesitant I thought I would give it a shot. As I prepare to leave on this new and exciting journey,  many people have requested that I keep in touch and let them know where I am and how life is going. I know most of the time we say these things as a common courtesy knowing that in reality when the person leaves that may be the end of communication. However, I have a feeling that what I am about to begin is a great adventure, and I want to share that with the people in my life. I don't want to post non-stop on Facebook about all that will be happening, and let's face it keeping up with email and letters can be daunting. This outlet seems to make the most sense.

So here it is.....Embarkation. The act or process of beginning a journey; to commence adventure!!  Sounds exciting right!?! I am hoping to use this site as a means to share what is happening in my life.  That may be the good the bad and/or the be prepared :)  I know right now that there won't be a set schedule as to when I post, so just check back as you wish.  I think you can sign up to be notified by email when new posts are out!

I hope you all will enjoy what lies ahead with me!