Friday, May 17, 2013


Well it's official, I've got my assignment! There's lots to say and it's all pretty good so before I spill the beans on where I'll be I think I'll walk you through the last few weeks :)

Last I updated I was "training" the new hire. All was going great and she was great with helping me get connected to another travel company and really guiding me on what to do. I've already applied for jobs in most regions of the US thus far. Without going into too much detail (and some I don't quite know) the way this travel deal works is: a facility puts in a contract request to the travel company...the travel company goes through the bank of applicants (like me) and matches potential candidates....then they contact those potential candidates to make sure there is interest in the job....if given the thumbs up the travel company submits the candidates (yes candidateS) to the facility...facility interviews over the phone and picks their person....extends offer through travel company and then lots of communication happens with the candidate. Kinda a long process, sometimes slow I'm learning, and not a guarantee for a job since multiple applicants are referred.

So back to training the new hire... things were good she was helping me and I was applying for jobs, and I was helping her learn her new one. Then on my "last day" April 30, she had a family issue and had to leave. This left us all concerned and unsure of the next step. Worked out that I covered one day for her then she was back and I was officially unemployed as of May 2 :) Then over that weekend another family issue and I got a call to help cover. Since I had no job as of yet I figured why not. At least I could make some money while I was unemployed right! I agreed and they hired a new new girl whom I have been training for almost 2 weeks now. It worked out and I'm glad that I was able to leave in a good way. So  May 15 was my official for real last day working here in Las Cruces. Yay!! and Scary!

For the new job location.....since before I even decided to make this leap and step out I have been very drawn to Seattle.  Not sure why, I haven't been there...not even close to that area. But it's always been on my mind.  Once I decided to do this new adventure I've said that Northwest and East coast were on my top list of choices to be.  But I really was thinking I'd get placed in some small rural area at least at first. Nobody gets their top choice right away, right!? Wrong!!

I applied at a hospital in Everett, WA (25 miles North of Seattle) with the new company I began working with. After a long day of working and having coffee with my mom one evening I walked into my house just after 6 PM and within a few minutes I received a call from Everett!! It was the hospital wanting to do an interview.  We chatted for a few minutes and talked about where I lived currently only to find out the gentleman interviewing me was originally from El Paso! Haha! And his family is still there. He was familiar with the hospital I worked at and exactly where I was coming from. After a few questions and the "interview" process he said he would like to tell me about the facility to make sure I would be comfortable working in that environment.  I don't remember exactly what he said but here is an excerpt from their mission statement online:

"As part of Providence Health & Services, we identify our work as a ministry, embracing our responsibility to provide for the needs of communities across Washington.
As people of Providence, we reveal God's love for all, especially the poor and vulnerable, through our compassionate service."

He said they often start the day with word of prayer and all associations with the hospital (badges) have a cross on them.  Would I be comfortable working in an environment such as that!?!?! Um, yes :) I spoke with my recruiter and notified her of the interview and the next day she called with news that they had offered the job to another candidate who had another license that I will be getting this year (say a prayer for that). I was bummed until she said BUT HE DECLINED THE JOB so you're next in line!! It was a bit of a wait as the recruiter and hospital went back and forth but the official offer came in and I am heading to the number one choice on my list!!

So all this waiting and patience was just God working. He hands down has orchestrated this whole placement by growing a desire to be in the NW before I even took this new journey, bringing one person into my life for 2 weeks to get me connected to the right company, keeping me employed during the process of waiting, interviewing with a local, removing the additional candidate, placing me in a faith based hospital. As excited as I am I can't help but wonder what God is up to....I think He has big plans. But I know I an just relinquish my fears and trust Him because He wants me there for a reason.

I will be heading NW next week May 22 or 23. Please be praying for everything to get done before I go such as paperwork stuff, safe travels as I drive from New Mexico to Washington, and just that I would not be nervous as I start at a new place in a new facility. I feel overwhelmed already! And also pray that I would be able to stay aware and tuned into what God is saying and doing so I can fulfill this call. Thank you for the support so far!! Here we go......

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